Duke Programs

Program AreaStaff Contact
Divinity and ChapelJoyce Highhouse
Duke ArtsJoyce Highhouse
Duke Community AffairsVera Luck
Fuqua School of BusinessJoyce Highhouse
Sarah P. Duke GardensKylie M. Snyder
Global HealthAlexandra de Havilland
Humanities (incl. Trinity Arts)Lightsey Darst
K-16 EducationJoyce Highhouse
Kenan InstituteJoyce Highhouse
Law SchoolAlexandra de Havilland
Lemur CenterKylie M. Snyder
LibrariesLightsey Darst
MargolisAlexandra de Havilland
Mary Duke Biddle FoundationJoyce Highhouse
Mellon Lightsey Darst
Nasher Art MuseumJoyce Highhouse
Nicholas InstituteSteve Murray
Nicholas SchoolSteve Murray
Pratt SchoolSteve Murray
Sanford School of Public PolicyAlexandra de Havilland
The Duke EndowmentVera Luck
Trent FundAlexandra de Havilland
Trinity Natural SciencesSteve Murray
Trinity Social SciencesLightsey Darst


FoundationStaff Contact
Mary Duke Biddle FoundationJoyce Highhouse
The Duke EndowmentVera Luck
Gates FoundationVera Luck
The Hartwell FoundationBrooke Church
W.M. Keck FoundationSteve Murray
Andrew W. Mellon FoundationLightsey Darst
Simons FoundationSteve Murray
Josiah Charles Trent Memorial Foundation Endowment FundJoyce Highhouse